/ Club exp - Community Guidelines

Club exp - Community Guidelines


The goal of Club exp is to provide a space where the youth can interact and live through a sustainable life at home together. We want to create friendships and connections while promoting goodwill in the community. In order to meet the goals of Club exp, it is important for members to feel that they are in a safe space with people with shared and respectful interests.


As such, we request that you read and understand our Club Guidelines below:



1.      Treat others with respect online as you would treat them in real life.

2.      Be understanding towards other club member's viewpoints.

3.      Respectfully disagree when opinions do not align

4.      Respect the privacy and personal information of other Club members

5.      Always communicate with courtesy and respect

6.      Practice good social media etiquette when connecting with your friends in the Club

7.      Attend our Club exp events as endorsed by IKEA


Please do not:

1.      Make personal attacks on other Club exp members, here on the Community platform or outside of Club exp

2.      Use foul, offensive or threatening remarks against others, including sensitive topics such as politics, religion, etc.

3.      Bully or make other community members feel unsafe while in the Club

4.      Solicit improper information from other Club members, here or outside of the club

5.      Share your personal information with Club members

6.      Arrange personal meet-ups with members



We do our best to facilitate and moderate the Club and we will take action when we see someone violating the Club guidelines. We request that all community members report behavior that violates our guidelines to  customerservice.ikeaph@ikano.asia



By logging onto the Club exp and activating your profile, you are considered to be in agreement with the terms and conditions listed above.